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Saturday, November 19, 2016

Trump Reveals It All

Dear America,

Donald J. Trump is exactly what you need. This is the presidential candidate that is needed in America. Not for the reasons you want to believe. Regardless of who became the next president of the United States, major change was still necessary in our communities. Trump didn’t create divide, he created a platform for people who wanted it divided. Trump didn’t create racism; his message resonated with racist and bigots. That doesn’t dissolve Trumps outlandish remarks but it can put things in perspective. His remarks on Muslims, gays, African Americans, and handicapped persons are definitely reasons to be upset. Protest must continue to go on along with the fight for equality and justice. Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump opinions on that shouldn’t dictate your behavior on social justice. Our focus must shift from Donald Trump to the narrative that was sustained throughout this presidential debate. If your feelings changed about me because of what I said then I urge you to finish reading. Here is the most important reason a Trump presidency can be beneficial.
A Hilary Clinton presidency would’ve stalled a revolutionary movement that is going on in society. There wouldn’t be anyone in the street protesting for inequality and calling for justice. There would be cries for help only in tragic situations. The assassination of unarmed black men and women, deliberate attacks on the LBGT community, and other vile acts would seem rather minuscule in the grand scheme of things. In a vacuum a Clinton presidency would’ve allowed people to not pay attention to the issues that are not being broadcasted to the ones who aren’t affected by it. Trump gives a platform to those who disagree with many of the fundamental values of equality and justice for all American citizens. Everyone who supports his hateful messages is now pushed to the spotlight. This presidency allowed for us to cast a spotlight on the kind of people who reside within our communities and nation. Without Trump those people would’ve remained silent and unseen. One can’t destroy something they do not see. Now that we know the source of the hate, we can begin to eradicate its existence. This goes for homophobia, racism, classism, xenophobia, and many other structures that plague our American society from living up to their promises. A nation built by the people should be constructed by the people. The ones who’ve been maintaining it have done so with hate. That can no longer happen. The people that believe in equality and justice for all must stand up together and fight. Only one can wonder what the climate of our society would be if Hilary was elected. There’s a possibility that there be no protestors in the street. Protest and awareness must continue to be a staple in this society. The direction of this country can be as great as we make it. This presidential election has allowed us the division that this country finds itself in. Now that we understand the issues, people can begin to take action and that when change will come. The fight for justice and equality should never stop. So to President-Elect Trump say thank you. Thank you for making this country realizes the true issues at hand. Thank you for making us uncomfortable again because after this state of shock; we will rise up and collectively make America great the way it should be.